
Monday, June 15, 2015

Technology at the school

Technology is largely absent from the classrooms at Taktse. Yes, there is a computer lab that is occasionally used, and yes senior students have their own laptops that they bring from home. But otherwise you won't see teachers on computers.  No one is checking their emails, in fact I think email is rarely used (which explains the lag in response that was common when I corresponded with the school). There aren't even telephones in the classrooms. 

It does seem that this is not only a matter of cost, but also of philosophical belief (see student observations on the pros and cons of technology below).  Typing skills are expected and students begin learning typing in 3rd grade. By 8th grade students can type about 85 words per minute-- correctly! There is a huge emphasis on handwritten work and "reflection" pieces. 

Have we, as educators, questioned the downside to technology enough? It seems we believe it is "inevitable" and everyone else is doing it, so must we.  Are potential costs in creativity balanced by the benefits in efficiency?

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