
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Rainy Trip to Gangtok

The kids finally got their uniforms on Monday.  We went to a busy and bustling tailor shop in Gangtok. The school buses took us on a bumpy 40 minute ride into the city, along with the other students who were going home. We got off at the city hospital. Unfortunately it was pouring! Imagine the hardest rain we get in Maine, where the gutters overflow and water rushes down the streets in rivers. Now make that rain last for 2 hours, with an additional 2 hours of moderate rain and a full day of mist, light rain and heavy fog.  This is the typical monsoon day here. We walked through rivers in the street!

Our reward? Clean DRY new school uniforms and a real American pizza dinner.

MG Marg -- Mahatma Ghandi Marginal, ironic as it is a shopping and commercial area. Also nearly the only flat spot in the town. The vertical rises on the roads are incredible. 

Right after this a Hindi family asked to have their picture taken with us. 
This has been happening a lot. 

Everyone was trying to buy umbrellas given the downpour.

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